How Sunshine Affects Symptoms of Depression

Please note: our blog posts are solely informational and are not meant to replace individualized therapeutic advice or healthcare.


As the sun gently warms your skin and the days grow longer, you might find yourself in unusually higher spirits during the summer months. Even if you have been struggling with symptoms of depression. It's no coincidence that sunshine and warm weather have a profound impact on our mental well-being, particularly when it comes to depression. While depression is a complex condition with various contributing factors, studies have shown that exposure to sunlight and higher temperatures can help alleviate its symptoms.

In this blog post, we will explore the ways in which sunshine and warm weather positively influence depression and provide practical tips to make the most of these natural remedies.

Sunlight and Serotonin

One of the key ways sunshine affects depression is through its impact on serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood. Exposure to sunlight triggers the release of serotonin in the brain, leading to an uplifted mood and reduced depressive symptoms. Furthermore, sunlight also stimulates the production of vitamin D in our bodies, which has been linked to improved mental health.

If you spend time outdoors, especially during the early morning hours, you can benefit from increased serotonin levels and the subsequent positive impact on your well-being.

Woman blowing bubbles outside in the sunshine

Enhanced Circadian Rhythms

Depression often disrupts sleep patterns and circadian rhythms, which can further exacerbate the condition. However, exposure to natural light, especially in the morning, can help reset these rhythms and improve sleep quality.

When your body receives ample sunlight during the day, it helps regulate the release of melatonin, a hormone that promotes healthy sleep.

By establishing a routine that involves morning walks or spending time near a sunny window, you can help restore your body's natural sleep-wake cycle, leading to better rest and potentially improved mood.

Increased Physical Activity

Warm weather and pleasant temperatures encourage people to engage in outdoor activities and exercise more frequently. Physical activity is known to have a positive impact on depression symptoms by releasing endorphins, which are natural mood enhancers. Engaging in activities such as walking, jogging, biking, or even gardening can elevate your mood, reduce stress, and boost overall well-being. The combination of sunlight, exercise, and fresh air creates a powerful trifecta that has the potential of significantly alleviating depressive symptoms.

While sunshine and warm weather alone may not cure depression, they can play a crucial role in improving symptoms and overall mental well-being. The combination of increased serotonin production, regulation of circadian rhythms, and the opportunity for physical activity make these natural elements potent remedies.

Sunshine alone will not solve the issues that are at the root of your depression, but it can help clear some fog and get you energized enough to reach out for help or restart some of your tried-and-true mental wellness activities.

Now’s the Time!

As summer approaches, consider embracing the outdoors, soaking up the sunshine, and enjoying the warmth that nature offers. Whether it's a morning walk, an afternoon picnic, or simply spending time near a sunny window, harnessing the healing power of sunlight and warm weather can be a valuable addition to a holistic approach in managing depression symptoms.

Once you’ve achieved this natural boost, see if you can stretch that motivation and mood and direct it towards meaningful and longer lasting change. Because, the sunshine will wane and cold weather will return, so this might be the perfect opportunity to seek help, reconnect with others, start moving your body, or whatever you think will help you bust through the depression more permanently!

Read more about Depression Therapy.

Arijana Palme

Arijana is a one of the co-owners of Access, a trained social worker and therapy enthusiast. Her personal mental health journey has been life-changing and she’s dedicated to making Access Therapy a place where you can make your own personal transformation.

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